
IMPORTANT: Starting from Wednesday, May 22, 2024, all manuscripts accepted for publication in 2025 must also be published in an English version. This translation must be managed and funded by the authors, as the journal will no longer cover these costs.

The Revista Chilena de Fonoaudiología accepts manuscripts on an ongoing basis throughout the calendar year. The journal operates under a "continuous publication" model.

Problem based learning: an innovative approach in a speech, language and hearing science curricula


  • Pía Villanueva


Problem-based learning (PBL) appeared 20 years ago how a response to the traditional system of lectures, or clinical cases. PBL is a powerful educational approach which is gaining in popularity in medical, health-related-and other disciplines. We pro vide an introduction to PBL, describe and evaluate its application in one communication disorders program (Division of Speech and Hearing Science, University of Hong Kong), and discuss practica! issues of Implementation. To the best of our knowledge, they are the only speech-language programme world-wide offering a "puye" PBL programme. We discuss the development of learning plan, presentation of independent work, evaluation of material to learning goals, the role of the tutor. Integration between objectives, problems and assessment are presented. We comment that PBL is a valuable teaching lear-ning approach for communication disorders, and the possibility of implement a similar model in our curricula.


problem based learning, curricula, speech and language science