Scopes on the fines applied by the direction of the work and his claim. Comment to judgment of the first labor court of Santiago RIT I-15-2015


  • Víctor Ricardo Juri Sabag Profesor de Derecho del Trabajo de la Universidad de Chile


By virtue of his scrutinising role of the fulfillment of the labor procedure and social security, the Direction of the Work, it applies fines to the companies in case of breach of the above mentioned procedure, topic that not I exempt this one from difficulties, contradictions, illegalities and arbitrariness, which are verified in the processes and judgments of claim of fines before the labor courts.


Foundations of resolutions, “non bis idem” notions, claim of fines

Author Biography

Víctor Ricardo Juri Sabag, Profesor de Derecho del Trabajo de la Universidad de Chile

Abogado. Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad de Chile. Magíster en Derecho Tributario (LL.M.) de la Universidad de Chile