Santiago de Chile: perfil de identidad de la ciudad en altura


  • Sofía Letelier P. Profesora. F.A.U. de la U. de Chile


A FONDECYT (1993-96) project permitted the semiotic characterisation of a certain architectural profile present in the cities of central Chile in the latter part of the 20th century. Its traits include: a certain disaggregation of semes, a growing diversity in general and the scarce consideration of climatic factors in the modelling of formal features, amongst others. It emerges clearly that there exists a greater communicative effort and a patent autonomy in the higher terminations of buildings, over and above other singular semantic elements, when studied in comparison with Accesses, Corners and Envelopes. This allows new deductions and explorations to be made.

Author Biography

Sofía Letelier P., Profesora. F.A.U. de la U. de Chile

Profesora Asociada en el Departamento de Diseño Arquitectónico de la F.A.U. de la U. de Chile