The wall


  • Igor Rosenmann Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana


In Chile, in the 80's and 90's, a strong development of the real estate sector was generated that focused its opportunity on the production of social exclusivity; Under a semi-agricultural land acquisition model, of a rural-urban poverty. Then sell urban land built at prices well above families of higher social class, obtaining high returns. There is thus a rapprochement of social classes, limited with an enclosure of these walled condominiums and controlled and supervised access. However, the urban and architectural sociology of the last decades has conceptualized this fact, as an element that reinforces segregation and exclusion. The study revealed immanent meanings of the wall over residents of these walled condos, and identified how representative are symbolic meanings and values.


Segregation, exclusion, condominiums, enclosures, differentiation of socioeconomic groups