
Latin American Journal of Asian Studies and LASA - Asia and the Americas announces a call for papers

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Deadline: 30 october, 2024.

Internationalization of Higher Education in the People’s Republic of China: A Process of Securitization?



This research paper analyzes, in the light of the securitization theory, the process of internationalization of higher education in the People's Republic of China (PRC) framed in a new national security logic promoted by its president Xi Jinping. Official documents and speeches are studied to describe the paradigm shift and to glimpse the strategic turn that the PRC is taking through a securitization movement in relation to its higher education. Preliminarily, the results speak of a change in the official discourse on higher education towards a more nationalistic and closed to Western proposals on university internationalization. It is concluded that higher education for the PRC plays a central role in the realization of its development plan as a country and that to achieve the consolidation of its own ethos requires greater regulation and active planning that closely links youth, education, and nationalism, and that discourages an unregulated entry of international trends and ideas. In education, China is ending the period of learning and importing from the West and is now seeking to withdraw and develop its own way of doing things in relation to its own identity.


Securitization, People's Republic of China, Internationalization


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