
Latin American Journal of Asian Studies and LASA - Asia and the Americas announces a call for papers

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Deadline: 30 october, 2024.

Factions and agenda-setting in the G20 (2008-2019): Assessing Pre-Pandemic Dynamics


  • Andrea Freites Núcleo Milenio sobre los Impactos de China en América Latina


Based on previous studies that have identified an over-representation of the interests of G7 countries in the functioning of the G20 (Benson & Zürn, 2019; Lei & Rui, 2016; Prodi, 2016), this article aims to identify the factors that contribute to the imbalance of the agendas or proposals that have characterised the forum’s work. Four factors that could influence the phenomenon under study are analysed theoretically: the degree of globalisation of the countries participating in the G20, their political regimes, the stability of their institutional systems, and the levels of development of their respective economies. With the use of a mixed methodology based on a multinomial logistic regression model and in-depth interviews, attention focusses on how the factors identified contribute to the imbalance observed in the forum. The results show that there are factions within the G20 that effectively congregate around the forum's agenda; those states dominating this exercise of political power have similar political regimes and economic development models, as well as internal structures more open to globalisation. This study provides a possible explanation of how imbalance in agenda-setting occurs in an international forum. In turn, it shows how the homogeneity of the members favours their role in establishing the framework for global economic and financial governance.


Over-representation, Imbalance in agenda-setting, G20, Global Economic Governance


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